Token Economics

Adapting the IMON token allocation and funding model for IMON with a total supply of 50 million tokens:

  1. Team & Advisors (%5 - 2,500,000 IMON): Supports development, operations, compensation and compensates strategic advisors.

  2. Reserve Fund (5% - 2,500,000 IMON): Addresses unforeseen expenses.

  3. Marketing and Partnerships (5% - 2,500,000 IMON): Drives growth and alliances.

  4. Liquidity (10% - 5,000,000 IMON): Ensures market stability.

  5. Platform Incentives (5% - 2,500,000 IMON): Encourages community engagement.

  6. Public Sale (70% - 35,000,000 IMON): Broadens investor community.

Funding Allocation:

  1. Product Development (40%): Enhancing the platform.

  2. Marketing (25%): Awareness and user attraction.

  3. Operations (15%): Day-to-day costs.

  4. Technology Infrastructure (10%): Robust and secure systems.

  5. Legal Compliance (5%): Regulatory adherence.

  6. Community Development (3%): User engagement.

  7. Reserve Fund (2%): Contingency planning.

This model aims for balanced growth and sustainability of the IMON platform.

Last updated